Enjoy the little things in life....

Always be yourself, don't let anyone put you down!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Simple Hairstyles!

hi everyone i have decided do step back from makeup and beauty for a bit and show u some simple hairstyles i know! I don't really spend a lot of time on my hair i either have it down or up, i take longer washing my hair then actually taking time to decide what to do with it. So here's three simple hairstyles i like to do on a day-to-day basis.

I hope you enjoy it because it will be something new for all of you<3

First up is a Messy ponytail:
I do ponytails mostly for school because of p.e and i just find them so easy and good to do. Obviously it dosen't have to be just a messy ponytail, it can be any ponytails such as neat and tidy and things like that but i like messy because its simple.

Next up is the Fishtail plate:
I have only just learned how to do this by watching a good youtube video showing me how to do it, and i love this hairstyle i think its very simple and very pretty at the same time and i really recommend trying this hairstyle out. If you want to know how just type in youtube how to do a fishtail plate and lots will come up, also if you always do normal plates this is different i love it.

After that i do like my very simple one there's not a name for it but its just your beginning bits of hair and you clip them up at the back:

I love this hairstyle its very simple but sometimes if i feel like it i jazz it up with a flower or bow or anything to be honest, this is the hairstyle i mostly use because its just quick and easy to do.

They are the top 3 simple hairstyles i do everyday!! Comment and follow below please.
I hope it was a change for you all and now ill be doing more variaty things not just beauty so i really hope you liked it.

Melissa xox

FOLLOW: twitter - @melly_Vxox
FOLLOW: instagram- @melsgrace_xo

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